Save Our Skin (SOS) Organics has been created with the intention of minimising unnecessary toxic exposures and delivering nutrients to the skin that are not detrimental in any way.

As a naturopath and beauty therapist I often find myself having this internal debate about looking after the inside of our bodies as this will reflect on the outside. However our skin, the largest organ, vulnerable to the world, also needs taking care of by external factors, that are going to support and enhance…not compromise. For me it’s not about anti-ageing, it’s about optimising the health of your skin at any age!

Ellen Grove, 4078

0407 575 911

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This business is a member of House Call Doctor Brisbane local access program. If you are a local business and want to join our local access program, please email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, visit our office at 113 Wickham Terrace, Spring Hill, 4000.