Our mission is to keep things easy, simple, affordable and stay predictable. SAME DAY EMERGENCY GUARANTEED.
At Dental Precinct, we consider that beautiful healthy smile a basic necessity for everyone and believe in caring for your pearly whites, and addressing your dental concerns. After listening to your concerns and having an examination, you will be presented with a personalised treatment plan that suits your needs. Whether you want just a tooth ache sorted or want a full mouth rehab- smile made over, we are here to discuss different options that will be customised only for you.
267-289 Lionel Turner Drive, Bushland Beach 4818
4788 0111
We are proud to offer all Local Access members: 10% Discount on your first visit
- Discount applicable for treatment done on your first, that includes any emergency dental procedures/pan relief. Any other dental treatment necessary will be discussed and costs informed before proceeding.
- All terms and conditions dictated by Dental Precinct. Offer might be withdrawn unconditionally.