Have you ever wondered why you feel constantly tired, crave sugar or cry over nothing? Your hormones may be to blame. We take a look at the many different ways on how to balance hormones naturally.

Hormones are important chemical messengers which travel throughout the body and can affect many aspects of your overall health.

They are secreted by various glands and organs, including the thyroid, adrenals, pituitary, ovaries, testicles and pancreas. The endocrine system is responsible for controlling the level of hormones circulating the body.

Hormones are involved in everything from growth to your moods. The slightest imbalance in the amount of hormones circulating our bodies can cause widespread health problems.

How to tell if your hormones are imbalanced

If you’re suffering from any of the following symptoms your hormones may be out of whack:

  •  Infertility and irregular periods
  •  Unexplained weight gain or loss
  •  Depression and anxiety
  •  Fatigue
  •  Insomnia
  •  Low libido
  •  Digestive issues
  •  Hair loss or thinning

There are a number medical treatments, including synthetic hormone replacement therapy, thyroid medication and birth control pills, which can assist. However, these also come with higher risks of side effects, can mask symptoms and result in taking lifelong prescription medication.

If you would prefer a different route there are a number of natural ways to try and balance hormones first.


7 ways to balance hormones naturally


1. Eat healthy fats

Our bodies need various types of fats to create hormones. Despite what you may think of them this includes saturated fats and cholesterol. Coconut oil and avocados are a great source of these and your diet should be rich in diverse fats.

2. Balance omega-3 & omega-6 intake

We have all come accustomed to cooking with vegetable oils. While this may seem harmless these are extremely high in omega-6, an inflammatory fatty acid. High intake of omega-6 is not necessary in our diets and too much of it can wreak havoc on our hormones and result in inflammation. Try coconut oil as an alternative.

3. Avoid harmful chemicals

Seemingly benign household products like pesticides, plastics and cleaners can contain harmful chemicals which disrupt hormones. Try cooking in non-coated metal pans, avoid heating up your food in plastic containers and use organic cleaners where possible.

4. Exercise

If cardio isn’t your thing don’t stress. Extended cardio is actually not good for hormone balance and can cause stress to your body. Instead short bursts of heavy lifting are suggested as beneficial, triggering a cascade of hormonal reactions.

5. Reduce stress

Hormones change in response to stressful situations which can cause imbalance. Whether it’s the dishes piling up in the sink, the demands of work or study reducing stress is vital for keeping your hormones balanced.

Without quitting your job it might seem hard to think of ways to reduce your stress. Try simple things like being mindful and present in happy situations, take a social media cleanse or schedule or social media time. Exercise and meditation can also provide great stress relief.

6. Get enough sleep

Sleep plays a vital role in creating hormones and removing toxins from the body. If you’re skimping on even a few hours of sleep a night this can have a huge impact on hormones.

To get into better sleeping habits create a daily routine, avoid artificial light (like the TV or mobile devices) before bed and try taking a soothing bath to wind down.

7. Watch intake of caffeine

If you’re a coffee addict this step may be hard to kick, but watch how much caffeine you’re consuming each day. This can come not only in the form of golden coffee, but also some soft drinks, energy drinks and chocolate.

Caffeine strongly affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, affecting the body’s ability to deal with stress. Too much caffeine can wreak havoc on hormone balance. You don’t have to give up your morning coffee, but try and stick to just the one.