Cervical cancer could be globally eliminated by the year 2100 according to a new report.
The study
The Lancet Oncology study confirmed the increased usage of cervical cancer vaccinations and cervical screenings could prevent more than 13.4 million cases of cervical cancer within 50 years in low and middle-income countries.
High-income countries could banish cervical cancer within a generation, with the study showing it could be eliminated as a public health problem within 25–40 years.
However, if primary and secondary prevention programs are not implemented, more than 44 million women will be diagnosed with cervical cancer within the next 50 years in low and middle-income countries.
“This is a cancer that is completely preventable with these two lifesaving tools, HPV vaccination and screening, because it’s from a single cause,” the study’s lead author Professor Karen Canfell said.
“Cervical cancer is really the clearest preventable cancer.”
What does this mean?
Professor Canfell said: “The paper maps out approaches needed to achieve a global elimination of cervical cancer, and some of the challenges in getting there.”
“We’d like GPs to encourage parents of girls and boys at school to get vaccinated. Our coverage is now around 80% for girls and 76% for boys, so there’s still one in five who are not being vaccinated.”
As a whole, this means people of all ages need to be more proactive and keep up-to-date with vaccinations and screenings.
What is cervical cancer?
Cervical cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the lining of the cervix.
Common symptoms include: bleeding between periods, heavier bleeding than usual, unusual vaginal discharge and bleeding after menopause.
The majority of cervical cancer cases are caused by a persistent infection with some high-risk types of human papillomavirus (HPV).