Women’s Health Week is dedicated to women from all around Australia and aims to make good health a priority.

Our after-hours home doctor experts at House Call Doctor have put together everything you need to know about Women’s Health Week 2019 and what you can do to stay healthy and encourage the women around you to live their healthiest life.


Jean Hailes from Women’s Health, Australia’s leading and most trusted not-for-profit women’s health organisation, the two most significant barriers for women maintaining a healthy life are:

  1. Lack of time
  2. Health not being a priority

Women’s Health Week raises awareness and encourages women to do something for their health, and begin making small, positive lifestyle changes that can last a lifetime.


Data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare shows 1 in 2 Australian females are living with a chronic disease. The same report showed only 3 in 5 Australian women rates their health as ‘excellent’ or ‘very good’. These statistics highlight the need for women to start taking care of their physical and mental health.


Monday 2 September – Mighty Movement

Monday’s theme is movement and physical activity. The key points of ‘Mighty Movement’ are:

  • It’s not about getting fit, fast, it’s about being healthy for life
  • It’s not about what you can’t do, it’s about what you can
  • It’s not about looking good, it’s about feeling good
  • It’s not about being the best, it’s about giving it a go.

In order to be healthy, it is recommended that Australians between the ages 18-64 should be active on most days of the week and accumulate either 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activity or 75-150 minutes of vigorous physical activity.

Not only does exercise have significant health benefits, but it also helps improve your mental health and wellbeing. According to Assistant Clinical Director Dr Ryan Harvey at House Call Doctor, “Exercise releases serotonin and endorphins, which lifts a person’s overall mood.”

Tuesday 3 September – Bathroom Boss

Bathroom boss focusses on bladder and bowel health. According to Dr Ryan Harvey, “the risk of bowel cancer increases with age – fortunately it’s also one of the most curable cancers if detected early”.

The key points for Bathroom Boss are:

  • Get tested – talk to your doctor about bowel cancer screening
  • Research which foods you should be eating to help nourish your gut
  • Be honest and ask your doctor questions

Wednesday 4 September – Reproductive Health

Wednesday focuses on reproductive health. Whether you’re thinking about your future fertility, having issues falling pregnant, looking for the right contraception, or just wanting some hormonal help, getting the right advice, information and support are key.

Thursday 5 September – Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest focusses on chest health, which includes the health of your heart and breasts. According to Dr Ryan Harvey, women in their 50s should have a mammogram every two years, but they should also become familiar with the look and feel of their breasts to help identify any unusual lumps, rashes or potential warning signs.

Friday 6 September – Mastering your mind

The conclusion of Women’s Health Week focusses on mental health. According to Jean Hailes for Women’s Health, Mastering your Mind is all about taking a moment for mental health, becoming the master of your own mind, pressing pause on the busy button and learning how to tackle issues such as worry, anxiety, exhaustion and loneliness.


There are a number of ways everyone can get involved in this year’s Women’s Health Week.

1.Host an event

You can get together with friends, family, community or work colleagues to host a Women’s Health Week event.  There is an event guide available to help organise this.

2. Become a supporter

If you don’t want to host your own event, why not promote Women’s Health Week yourself. There is also a supporter’s kit available with free promotional materials for sharing on your social media channels and help to spread the word of good health.

3. Promotions

Women’s Health Week has partnered with several brands to help promote the initiative including Marley Spoon, and a photo competition to win a $200 Woolworths voucher.

4. Workplaces and groups

Women’s Health Week can be a great way to get your work colleagues talking about their health. This year Women’s Health Week has created health information and activities tailored specifically for workplaces and groups.

Get behind raising awareness for Women’s Health this September between Monday 2nd and Friday 6th! For more information, go to Women’s Health Week website.