Let’s be real, the one thing that makes us all excited for the Christmas period is the delicious amounts of food that will be consumed. Though the thought of packing on a few extra kilos is not so exciting.

Well, rest assured knowing there are some fun ways to exercise to help shed off the extra kilos you may have been gifted this Christmas. We’ve come up with 5 fun ways to exercise without even knowing you’re exercising.

Fun ways to exercise

1. Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is a fantastic way to work your arms, back and upper body. It also builds endurance and muscle which can burn calories. Plus, tricky movements and unusual reaches improves range of motion and flexibility you forgot you had.

As well as physical benefits, rock climbing has mental benefits too. It involves problem-solving skills and also reduces stress by increasing levels of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter in the body that aids in releasing stress. Although it may seem like an expert sport, beginners and people from all ages will reap the benefits of rock climbing. So, let’s start climbing!

2. Dancing

Grab your friends and hit the dance floor, because it actually burns a lot of calories! Dancing for one hour can burn up to 500 calories. It’s a great way to get your heart rate up and get rid of that extra body fat. The best thing about dancing is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. You could make it even more fun by dressing up like an aerobics pro, or an 80’s disco dancer.

3. Park Activities

Grab the kids and head to your local park, it’s a great way to involve the whole family in fun activities whilst burning a few calories. You could take with a cricket set or a footy ball to kick around. Besides, the sunlight and the fresh air will do you good. Just because you are having fun, doesn’t mean you’re not burning calories, because you are!

4. Cleaning

It might not be your favourite chore but unfortunately it must be done, especially after a busy Christmas period. Why not turn it into a game and see how much you can accomplish with one song at a time at max volume. Just think about the calories you will burn whilst vacuuming, wiping the benches or doing the washing in super speed.

5. Exploring Nature

Enjoy the beauty of nature while burning calories! Take your friends and family, get your joggers on and go explore the nearest waterfall. You can even cool off and go for a swim once you get there. We’re fortunate enough to live in an area full of national parks, hiking trails and natural wonders just waiting to be explored. While you may get a little wheezy on the hike, taking in the beauty around you may be just what you need to hit the recharge button after the busy holidays.